2022 How to Easily Stay Focused While Working from Home NoHQ Remote Work Guides

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And whether you work from home alone or find yourself surrounded by screaming children, it can be difficult to focus. No boss is looking over your shoulder, keeping you in check. And distractions abound, starting with the refrigerator, television and social media, just to name a few. You may not even realize it, but you are probably working longer hours too. One study revealed that full-time remote employees are working an additional 26 hours a month, adding nearly an extra day of work to the week.

stay focused working from home

Tell yourself you’ll focus for 10, 20, or the magic 25 minutes, and then you get a break. Once you’ve compressed the amount of time you need to focus, chances are that within your work time you’ll hit your stride and, after your promised break, return with more vigor. At the very least, have a cup of coffee and take a few minutes to step out and grab the newspaper or get a breath of fresh air.

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You must show up in person to create a stronger connection and engagement with customers, friends, family, co-workers, partners and fans. Hit up networking events, charitable events, co-working spaces, conferences and happy hours to keep your in-person presence memorable. The beauty of working at home is that you have the freedom to control when you work. However, we all have times when we are most productive and creative during the day and times we suck wind to type even one more word or make one more call.


Remind yourself that you can handle feeling uncomfortable. Sometimes, a little challenge can help get you moving, too. For example, you might try to write a certain amount of words in 30 minutes. Once you see how many words you write in 30 minutes, you might try beating that during the next 30-minute time slot. One of the best ways to get moving on something you don’t want to do is by using the “10-minute rule.” Tell yourself that you only have to work on something for 10 minutes.

Ways to Stay Focused When You’re Working from Home

Getting outside can also help you make the transition from work to personal time. Going for a jog or taking your dog for a walk can go a long way in helping you decompress at the end of a long day. Thread clear deep breaks throughout your day, where you physically step away from your workspace. This can really be anything – making a drink or snack, going for a walk, listening to music, reading a short article or chapter, and doing 15 minutes of yoga all count. It’s all about giving your brain space to recharge without removing you from your flow. Evidence-based strategies for improving focus — such as eliminating distractions, getting exercise, and practicing time management — can help you stay productive and empower you as a remote professional.

Make a big batch of chart of accounts example soup, prep and chop ingredients for quick workday salads, or freeze servings of a casserole to reheat later. To work from home effectively, you might have to schedule all aspects of your workday, including breaks and meals. By allowing a little more time than a task might take, you can budget for interruptions and hitches or have a few moments for a reward or a backup task . Review your priorities each morning and close the day with a look at tomorrow’s obligations.

Here are just eight ways we stay focused when working from home. Accountability is something that’s inherently different in a work from home role versus an office-based role. Offices—even ones where managers avoid micromanaging—are great for indirect supervision and accountability.

Structuring your day as you would in the office also saves you from work creep. With this structure in place, working from home will not cause your work to invade your personal life. However, without things like an in-person meeting schedule to break up your day, you can easily lose focus or burn out. The mental association you make between work and an office can make you more productive, and there’s no reason that feeling should be lost when working remotely. An unhealthy diet can affect productivity and drain energy. When I switched to a healthier diet, it made me function better and get the most from my routine.

Make it harder to use social media.

For some employees, this may be due to parenting or other IT/home setup hurdles breaking up the day differently. Check in with your manager before you shop for tools to help you focus. Many employers are now budgeting for allowances that enable telecommuting employees to augment their home offices with necessary equipment — or with a budget to use nearby coworking spaces.


When you dress up, you give your brain a reason for dressing up, and it can keep you pumped throughout your work hours. The benefit of starting your freelance business while still employed is that it reduces the financial strain experienced by any new business. One of the tips for doing this is folding the possibility of going remote into your next promotion cycle. If you like your current job and don’t want to change it, the obvious step is to find a way to pivot the position. CEO Sam Mallikarjunan tells how he manages to get work done even when people are around. Since 1998, millions of parents and adults have trusted ADDitude’s expert guidance and support for living better with ADHD and its related mental health conditions.

Create a daily to-do list.

Projects that used to take 20 minutes are suddenly lasting 2 hours. Verywell Mind content is rigorously reviewed by a team of qualified and experienced fact checkers. Fact checkers review articles for factual accuracy, relevance, and timeliness. We rely on the most current and reputable sources, which are cited in the text and listed at the bottom of each article. Content is fact checked after it has been edited and before publication.

If you work in an office building, it would be pretty strange for your partner to call you up to ask if you want to come to the grocery store. People understand that when you’re at the office, you’re working (i.e., can’t stop to do whatever you want). If you work at home, this understanding breaks down a bit.

And, after choosing your dedicated workspace, make the most of it by making it quiet. When working in an office, your morning commute can help you wake up and feel ready to work by the time you get to your desk. At home, however, the transition from your pillow to your computer can be much more jarring.

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You need a healthy diet, plenty of rest, and good self-care strategies to perform at your peak. It can be hard to convince yourself to start working on a task you really don’t want to do. Whether you know it’s going to be boring, frustrating, or just really challenging, convincing yourself to get started is tough.

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This will heavily depend on your schedule and commitments, but ideally you should aim for at least three hours of uninterrupted deep work a day. Deep work sessions should be around minutes long, allowing you to work on one complex problem or important piece of work. The Pomodoro method is a time management process that breaks down work into 25-minute intervals.

  • Check in with your manager before you shop for tools to help you focus.
  • Once you have your list, all you need to do is write “DO NOT” in front of every item.
  • Getting the right stack of support tools to fit your work style makes a big difference.»
  • Evaluate whether you’re trying to fit too much work in one day, bored of a routine or project, or putting off unpleasant conversations or feelings of isolation.
  • People who work from home may find it helpful to establish a routine.
  • Receive job search tactics to find the best opportunities for you and tips for crafting your resume for remote-friendly employers.

If not, it’s time to create a calendar to keep you on task. If you’re an online marketer, it might be a content creation or social media calendar. If you work for someone else, it could be your to-do list with more structure and priorities around it. Really hone in on what business tasks bring in more customers, money and fans so you aren’t wasting time on useless tactics. Breaks help sustain productivity – but only if we take the right kind of break. Many of us “accidentally” spend 20 minutes scrolling social media or reading the news, and then decide to count it as a break.

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